Living Planet Report 2024 | WWF
A health-check for the planet – the report includes the Living Planet Index, which tracks how species populations have fared around the world over a 50-year period. Together with other indicators, the index helps us to understand more about the state of the natural world. The report analyses how ...
10 reasons why climate change is an important issue | WWF
Climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world. So if we care about incredible species, we must care about how a changing climate will make it harder for them to find food, and decrease their habitats – from forest to sea ice to the UK’s rivers and chalk streams.. 2.
Here are 10 myths about climate change | WWF
Myth 4. China is mostly responsible for climate change . Human-induced climate change is something that has been happening for many years and Western countries, like the UK, have played a big role in contributing to carbon emissions over the past 200 years.
World Wide Fund for Nature | WWF
We’re WWF, the leading global environmental charity, and we’re bringing our world back to life. With nature in freefall, we’re urgently tackling the underlying causes that are driving the decline, and we’re finding solutions so future generations have a world with thriving habitats and wildlife.
Floods and their impacts | WWF
Floods and their impacts . Flooding can be a natural process and can actually benefit both people and wildlife. But record-breaking floods, caused by increased storms and rainfall due to climate change, and poor land management, pose new challenges across the world - serving as yet another warning that our planet is in danger.
Work for your world: careers at WWF
There’s never been a better time to start your career at WWF. As a leading independent conservation organisation, we have an important job to do to reverse the loss of biodiversity and restore nature. Working together with our colleagues, partners and incredible supporters we …
Tips to reduce your plastic waste - WWF
Carry a reusable coffee cup or flask. In 2019, an estimated 4.2 billion disposable coffee cups and 2.9 billion cup lids were sold in the UK (WRAP, 2022) [2] — contributing to the plastic pollution problem. Of these, less than 7% were recycled (WRAP, 2022), meaning that, after lasting just minutes in your hand, they will sit in landfill or be burnt with other rubbish, continuing to …
Ways to help our world in 2025 - WWF
14. Choosing a sustainable pension fund is 21x more effective than stopping flying, going vegetarian and switching your energy supplier collectively! Watch this eye-opening video, and for information and advice check out Make My Money Matter.. 15. Buying second-hand wherever possible will not only save you money, but it’ll reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, as …
How switching off for Earth Hour can help the planet | WWF
Earth Hour is also the time when our voices grow louder to make a real difference in the world. In recent years, environmental organisations, community groups and people have used the opportunity to call on their governments and leaders to pass important environmental laws or launch green initiatives.
10 of the world's most endangered animals | WWF
As our modern society gets more resource-intensive, natural spaces are shrinking and wildlife numbers are declining. Our 2024 Living Planet Report shows the average size of wildlife populations has fallen by a staggering 73% since 1970. While there have been amazing and inspirational wildlife successes and stories in the past, many animals are still endangered …