Surprising facts about the Electoral College's origins and evolution—and just who is an elector—to ponder alongside giving a watch to One Person, One Vote? on PBS.
How Taylor Swift Is Allegedly Betraying Kamala Harris by Not Endorsing Her Mexico Is About to Flagrantly Violate Its Trade Agreement with the U.S. Today’s Jolt comes to you late; I took Larry O ...
Suprun is not the only faithless elector nationwide. In Colorado, four of the state’s nine Democratic electors are saying that they might not cast votes for Hillary Clinton, who actually won the ...
Donald Trump’s lead in the college was so substantial—probably 306 to 232—that a handful of “faithless electors” should not affect the overall result, which could be overturned only ...
The chicanery that would ensue as a result would usher in yet another constitutional crisis that would test the American ...
Nowhere is the complete lack of democracy more apparent than in the system to elect the president of the United States: the ...
To many Americans, even those who are well informed, the Electoral College seems to be a shadowy, labyrinthine process for [… ...
Quadrennially, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, the U. S. people perform what they call "electing a President." That is the effect of their performance, but not ...
Faithless electors used to be a very rare thing, and this year, Washington’s were more faithless than any other state’s The Washington Secretary of State’s Office has sent $1,000 fine notices to the ...
Electors have already pledged their support for a certain candidate, so they almost always vote as pledged. This changed in 2016, when a historic number of so-called "faithless electors" - seven ...
These include ‘faithless elector’, a politician who votes against what they had pledged and ‘sanctuary city’ which refers to a place where the local law tends to protect undocumented ...