Mending can extend the life of your garments — making it a sustainable choice — and keep your clothing out of the landfill.
The world of Indian textiles is vast and varied, with each technique and tradition holding its own charm and significance.
The textiles track will expand technical repertoire in mark-making and surface design, hand and free-motion embroidery, heat manipulation of ... how to be artists at the loom and create unique woven ...
Through embroidery, she in a way domesticated it, turning it into a trinket, transforming it into a kind of 'knick-knack' perfect for placing onto a hutch common in the communist regime. Textiles can ...
CAUTION: Textiles, such as samplers, painted and embroidered pictures, and beaded work should not be vacuumed, as embroidery yarns and beads can be drawn through the screening. 2. It is preferable to ...
Working with textiles keeps Ireri Andrea Muñiz Ortega connected — both to her Mexican heritage and her newfound community in Madison.
Credit Sarah Larson The largest room on the second floor is dedicated to textile arts. Beautifully mounted on the walls, lace, embroidery, weavings, doilies, and other textiles showcase the breadth of ...
A new textile section within New Delhi’s Crafts Museum stitches together folk craft marked by modern influences of business, ...
The show in Fort Bragg features the outcomes of Sproule's recent residency at Hypatia in the Woods, a 15-acre retreat center on Puget Sound in Washington's Olympic Peninsula, during which she explored ...
The upcoming exhibitions in Greater Boston merge the past and present, from the works of modernist painter Georgia O’Keeffe ...
the city’s Mass Art Museum held an exhibition in June showcasing over 250 pieces from intangible cultural heritage projects in 15 detention facilities. Techniques on show included jade carving, ...